Thursday, January 28, 2021

Week One!

Week 1 is already over! I think the first week was a great, and successful start to this class. I feel like I'm already learning a lot about Microsoft Word. I was always a Google Docs person throughout high school and such, I would never find myself using Word. However after this first week, I can already see how much professional your documents can look with Microsoft Word. I am excited to get into Word and learn how to make my own professional document.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

My IS101 First Impressions

This is my first year, second semester at CSN, so I am still rather new to the college experience. Starting up a new class in a new semester is scary at first, but after the first few Webex meets with either the class or the instructor himself, I started feeling more confident in myself and this class. I like the fact that Instructor Wu goes out of his way to text his students on their phones. I find it to be a quick and effective way to contact his students, I was able to easily set up a Webex meeting with him. My first impressions with the class and the instructor were great, but lets hope I can leave a good first impression. It may be hard because my bad habit of procrastination, but that is my goal this year, to get over that bad habit.