Tuesday, February 16, 2021

My Very Productive Covid Quarantine

My overall experience with this covid quarantine wasn't horrible, I guess it was boring at some points, but at least I got to stay home for several months. It started in my senior year of high school causing the year to end early, and thankfully on my end finals were also canceled. One thing covid actually relieved me from was my grad walk, I did NOT want to do it. Although there was no way I was going to really skip my grad walk and hurt my parents feelings. So covid came along and prevented large gatherings, resulting in a grad walk with a max of at least 30 of us. So yea, a huge relief. After that high school was officially over and summer hit. I did the usual over summer break, like sleeping, playing video games, and playing sports. I was planning to get a job over the summer but whatever. Finally, I started my first of college and I have been liking it so far. My first year of college is almost over, only a few more.


  1. Glad to hear something good came out of COVID for you :-) Yes, quarantine brings boredom to many. Stay positive and use this down time to ramp up your preparedness for a job ^_^

  2. I am glad your finals were cancelled! I would have loved for my finals to be cancelled during senior year. However, I am surprised that you did not want to do your walk. It reminds me of my sister not wanting a quinceanera. Supposedly, it's a rite of passage. I am glad you're liking college so far.

  3. well at least you don't mind in not walking for graduation I would have hated that. I can imagine what seniors must have felt with covid ruining traditional senior celebrations. My senior year was the best of my years!

  4. The only thing I was looking forward to during my senior year was the prom, but unfortunately that got cancelled as well.

  5. Covid has been extremely bittersweet but I'm glad it gave you a great excuse to miss something you didn't want to do anyway.

  6. Covid was the leading cause to me being laid off back in March 20th. Although, I don't feel like there's a big different to my daily life since I live like a lonely LOL

  7. Good to hear to didn't lose your mind over quarantine. That's really awesome that your finals were canceled!

  8. Some of the best and worst things that have happened to be happened during quarantine so it is what it is.
