Monday, March 22, 2021

Schools Openning Back Up?

So recently I heard that some schools began to open face to face classes Monday March 22nd? I may be wrong, but I do know my younger brother, who is currently doing online classes for Centennial HS had a choice of going to school again or staying home. He stuck with staying home because he still felt uncomfortable about going to school, my parents were OK with it though. I think if I had the choice to go back to face to face, I would take it. I would mostly want to take it because it is getting lonely around here, doing nothing much but hiding away at home and doing online school and playing video games. Although, I do like being able to sleep and wake up whenever you want to, with no set bed time. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Excited for Excel

When starting this class I was most excited to start with excel. I was most uncomfortable with Excel out of all other softwares, it looked so alien to me in high school when I ever had to use it. I think Excel will be an excellent skill to learn for the future. I'm glad we learned Word first because Excel has a very simular layout, making it so much easier to learn Excel. I think it will take some time before I can memorize all the formulas and what not. I have seen some examples of very detailed and confusing worksheets that I would love to create. Very excited to try to receive my Excel certification.