Sunday, May 30, 2021

IS 101

I have officially finished my first year of online college at CSN. My first semester I had 3 classes, and only 1 had weekly class meetings. But last semester I took 4 classes and tried classes with more online meets. 

However out of all my online classes I have taken so far, my IS 101 class instructed by Mr. Albert Wu, has by far had the most impact on me. 

At first, I had thought negatively about the class because the fact that face cams were required, but I had later realized I began liking it and it was the closest you can get to an in-person class. 

My overall experience with IS 101 with Albert Wu has been amazing and is my favorite online college class by far. I am proud of myself and my achievements in the class, but I do know I could have done better. Mr. Wu has surprised me, with the amount of hard work he puts into his students to ensure they pass. It has been a great semester and I am glad I took this class.


  1. Congrats on finishing your first college year Jayden :-)

    I am honored that you found your experience in IS101-2003, Spring 2021 amazing and my course had the most impact on you!

    Glad to hear you warmed to sharing your camera feed. I am proud of all of your achievements in the class. Thank you for recognizing the time and energy I invest in my students ^_^

  2. Congrats Jayden I am glad you stuck through class!

  3. I had no idea what I was doing during my first year of college. It's great to see young people inspire THEMSELVES to continue their journey.

  4. Congrats Jayden! Wish you the best throughout your college journey : )
