I am very excited to take this exam, I believe after taking the practice exams and skill reviews, I have actually learned a lot from this class and am able to do things I couldn't a couple months ago. I think I can do a decent job on this exam and hope everyone else can too.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Camping in Utah
Up in Utah many years ago, my Grandparents and relatives owned (Not sure if they sold it or not) a large property with a beautiful log cabin with a large pond near it and it was surrounded by tall white birch trees. On summer breaks we would take my dad's side of the family, just less than 20 people, and we would camp for a week or two. The cabin only had two bedrooms and a large loft with many cots to sleep on, which were surprisingly comfy. My favorite part about the cabin was a fire pole in the center that came from the loft to the kitchen, and every morning us kids would ride the pole down instead of taking the stairs. Just outside the cabin was a large pond that we would fish from almost every day we were there. The main property with the cabin was large, but it also opened up to an even bigger property that was well over 100 acres, and we had couple quad bikes and a buggy and would drive around exploring the property for hours. We did so many fun things there in Utah that I wish we could go back sometime.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
My Very Productive Covid Quarantine
My overall experience with this covid quarantine wasn't horrible, I guess it was boring at some points, but at least I got to stay home for several months. It started in my senior year of high school causing the year to end early, and thankfully on my end finals were also canceled. One thing covid actually relieved me from was my grad walk, I did NOT want to do it. Although there was no way I was going to really skip my grad walk and hurt my parents feelings. So covid came along and prevented large gatherings, resulting in a grad walk with a max of at least 30 of us. So yea, a huge relief. After that high school was officially over and summer hit. I did the usual over summer break, like sleeping, playing video games, and playing sports. I was planning to get a job over the summer but whatever. Finally, I started my first of college and I have been liking it so far. My first year of college is almost over, only a few more.