I am very excited to take this exam, I believe after taking the practice exams and skill reviews, I have actually learned a lot from this class and am able to do things I couldn't a couple months ago. I think I can do a decent job on this exam and hope everyone else can too.
Very glad to hear you learned a lot from this class and you are able to do things you couldn't a couple of months ago :-)
ReplyDeleteStay positive! The practice truly helps and sets up the expectation for the actual exam.
ReplyDeleteYes it feels good to have accomplished the certification. I recently received an email from Microsoft prompting me to register for an account so that I would be able to post the MOS Word badge on social media
ReplyDeleteI hope you were able to pass this Exam! I was also able to learn a lot through this class, Microsoft Office is a simple application, but it contains so many features that I did not know of.
ReplyDeleteI spent almost 5 minutes looking for the icons on one of the task. I knew where it was, but I had to manually hover over all of them to find the one it was asking for LMAO. Did you face the same problem too? Or is it just me?
ReplyDeleteExams are a little nerve racking whether you're prepared or not. Hopefully you did good!
ReplyDeleteThe practice in my opinion is a life saver for the exams, they are almost identical.